General Discipline

General Discipline

  1. In the morning, classes commence with ‘Daiva Dasakam’ (Prayer of Humanity). Staff and students should stand in reverential silence during its soothing and melodious rendering.
  2. The College works from 9.30 am to 3.30pm with two sessions. In between the two sessions, there is a noon interval of forty five minutes from 12.40 pm to 1.25 pm.
  3. Students are expected to maintain a very high order of discipline.
  4. The college properties should be handled with maximum care and everything possible should be done to preserve the cleanliness and tidiness of the building, furniture, library and the premises.
  5. Students are expected to maintain decency and decorum in dress and behaviour. Uniform dress code should be followed on the days as specified by the Principal.
  6. Mobile phones and similar electronic gadgets are not permitted for use within the college campus. If a student is found violating this, the gadget will be confiscated and it will not be returned. Don‘t forget to switch off these when you enter the college campus.
  7. Students who happen to have no classes are not allowed to loiter in the veranda during class hours.
  8. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in the college according to the directions of the Government of India. Penalty measures to those found guilty of ragging will extend upto immediate expulsion from the college.
  9. Irregular attendance, insubordination to teachers, habitual inattention to class work, obscenity in word or act are sufficient reasons for the temporary or permanent dismissal of a student. Minor offenses are punishable with suspension, fine, loss of attendance etc.
  10. Malpractices in the testpapers and examinations will render a student liable to be punished which might amount to refusal of promotion to the next class or expulsion from the college. Use of programmable calculators, mobile phones and similar electronic gadgets during examinations or tests will also be treated as malpractice.
  11. All the co-curricular and extra curricular activities organised by the college are to be attended by all the students without fail. Strict discipline will be enforced during all such events.

Attendance, Leave and Promotion

  1. All students are expected to be present in the college on all working days and attend the classes and other academic activities in full.
  2. In case of an emergency situation or an illness, leave can be availed with the permission of the Chief Advisor and Principal using the prescribed application form.
  3. Application for leave is to be submitted prior to availing the leave and only in genuine cases, it will be considered within 2 days after the leave.
  4. When the application for leave is not granted or when leave is not applied for, the days of absence will be considered as unauthorized absence.
  5. Once the leave is granted, the student should meet the faculty members handling the classes (within 5 days after availing the leave) and get the details of leave marked in the respective attendance registers.
  6. The students should keep the leave form in their custody and should produce it whenever asked for.
  7. The actual attendance excluding days of leave should be within the stipulated minimum of 75% for each subject separately to appear for the end semester exam and promotion to higher semester.
  8. The days of leave (when granted), will be normally considered only for awarding sessional marks.
  9. When a student is having acute shortage of attendance (less than 75%) he can apply (to the University) for condonation of attendance, provided he is having sufficient number of days of leave already granted.
  10. Students will be permitted to register and appear for successive semester examinations only if:
    1. He or she has secured not less than 75% of the attendance in each semester.
    2. His or her progress is satisfactory in the internal assessment conducted during each semester.
    3. His or her conduct is good.
  11. Students will be permitted to continue subsequent semesters only if they have registered for the previous semester examination.
  12. Any other details not specifically touched upon will be decided by the Principal whose decision shall be final.